As a forecaster, there are multiple avalanche paths on Teton Pass that you need to pay attention to. The following video is an introduction to those paths.
We recommend spending some time studying the avalanche paths on Teton Pass. Below you will find the path descriptions from the Teton Pass Avalanche Atlas and a link to a CalTopo map where the avalanche paths are marked. If you want to put these markers on a google map, you can export the KML file and it should open in google earth. If you choose to use google earth and you know how to use the history slider, 1/2005 shows the terrain snow covered, otherwise 6/2017 shows the best images and is the default.
You can find a CalTopo Map with the paths marked here.
Now that you have all of the information for your assignment, it is important to understand what we expect of you as you forecast for the pass. As the Teton Pass Avalanche Forecaster, you need to understand the tools that are available to you, including artillery, the gazex, the avalanche guard, and hand charges.
You also need to understand timing for closures, as well as how you communicate with the public. The document below describes tools available to you, as well as communication expectations.